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Are you a creative person and do you like challenges? We have something for you! We invite you to the competition where the task is to create a fairy tale and / or design a logo of an international project.

You can write a fairy tale
• The fairy tale should not be longer than 1 page of A4 sheet (2600-2800 characters including spaces).
• The theme of the fairy tale is optional, but it must contain true national elements, features and cultural signs of Poland.
• The criterion for judging a fairy tale: creativity, creativity, reference to national elements.

You can design your logo
• The subject of the competition is the logo of the CEAL CULTURAL EMPOWERMENT OF ADULT LEARNERS project.
• The aim of the project is to stimulate European awareness among adult learners, strengthen their creativity and digital skills. The project is carried out at the European and international level.
• Logo evaluation criterion: creativity, creativity.

More information can be found in our Regulations – before taking part in the competition, please read it and send the documents to the following address:

The competition is organized as part of the CEAL CULTURAL EMPOWERMENT OF ADULT LEARNERS project, whose partners are: „RA i DO” Foundation, International Youth and Adult Support Center (Poland), The Finnish Folk High School Foundation (Sweden), U Learn Ltd (Cyprus) and Comitato D’Intesa (Italy).

The project is financed by the Erasmus + Program.

We accept applications until November 6, 2021.

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